Tuesday, March 31, 2015

                                    Yep, that's me--up against the wall--in the Igo Library!
Lesson 6 Part 1 Challenge

         While I understand the value of connecting with other people via electronic means, I still say it is no substitute for actual, real, in person, connections.   I started a Facebook page, but rarely use it, as I don't want to take the time away from other, more important activities.  I have used it to follow a few close friends and former classmates.  One of my son's friends was actually able to reconnect with a high school sweetheart many years later, and it resulted in their marriage.  I can see the value of social media websites, like Twitter, which many news stations now use to get feedback on their programs and to have a global conversation about certain topics.

Lesson 6 Part 2 Challenge

        Social media can "put it all out there".  A high school teacher friend of mine who had a student who refused to do anything in class except disrupt it, was given an "F" grade. Whereupon he went on Facebook and lambasted the teacher.  People tend to believe what they read, even if it is not true, so social media can harm innocent people.  Some teenagers have no sense of privacy and post about drug usage, etc.   Years later, when interviewing for a job, prospective employers often use social media sites like Facebook, to learn about the applicant.  This can have a negative effect on their job seeking.

Lesson 5 Challenge
I found this challenge somewhat--no very-- annoying!

Keyword searches need only the KEY words, not intermediate, little effect, or stop words (which the computer automatically ignores anyway.)
The buffalo challenge does not even list buffalo as a key word??? Just North America??

China's Great Wall
Keywords are Great Wall Space, NOT China's Great Wall.  I would guess that somewhere
in the world there are other walls named Great Wall, so, in my view,  China should be a keyword instead of space.  Space is not defined, so does it mean "outer" space, visible
from an airplane or a hot-air balloon?

I got the message, "You correctly identified 1 of 3 words that are probably not effective"  when I didn't enter any words at all.   The wizard needs to return to Harry Potter land for more training!
Lesson 4 Part 2

While there is no challenge for this lesson, I did find it interesting how Google Chrome
can be used to search the internet directly and how, by creating an account for Google Chrome, personal information, like bookmarks, will transfer to whatever computer is using.
Lesson 3 Part 2 Challenge:

3 LibGuides for the public    
      1.  e-reader information.  
            This is one of the most useful LibGuides, as it has specific information for using,
             downloading, etc. for each different device.
      2.  Seniors
             This LibGuide is especially useful to me, since I coordinate programs and
              activities for Seniors.  I try to make it known to Seniors.  
              Unfortunately, many do not know how to use the SAPL catalog or that
              LibGuides are contained under the rubric of "Resources".
       3.    Travel
              Since many Seniors travel frequently, this is a useful LibGuide.  It is also
              kept up-to-date (unlike some others), which is critical for travel information.
              I also have prepared a handout with travel information for Seniors, including 
              additional websites.

  2 staff LibGuides
        1.  Live Smart, Learn Well
             Since I am Igo's representative to this Committee, this LibGuide is essential
             for keeping abreast of committee activities and information.
        2.  Reference
             Since much of my time is spent doing Reference, this is a handy guide to many of the                resources and tools of the "trade".

Lesson 3 Part 1 Challenge
Sometimes we receive Reference questions from members of the Igo Genealogy Club, who are researching their family histories.  Ancestry is a great database to start with, since it is free for library users when used in the library, and contains a lot of different kinds of records.  If they are interested in DNA testing for genealogical purposes, Academic Search Complete, as well as the Science and Technology Collection databases, are helpful for finding relevant articles, especially if they need to know the difference between the different companies offering the DNA testing services.  Aside from the databases, the web-based Cyndislist is perhaps the best reference for genealogical topics, as it contains over 300,000 categorized & cross-referenced links of genealogical information.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Lesson 1 Part 3 Challenge

Lesson 1 Part 3 Challenge

          After adding the cosas blog address and the Igo techie's blog address, I am ready to read and
follow their wise and enlightening advice.

Lesson 2 Part 2 Challenge 1

Lesson 2 Part 2 Challenge 1

I captured the snipping tool after clicking on the Start icon and then snipped the snipping tool.
Here it is!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

News from the Igo Library

I work at the John Igo Branch Library of the San Antonio Public Library System.
I help patrons with their information needs and questions, and also coordinate
programs and activities for our Seniors group, the Igo Elderberries.