Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lesson 3 Part 2 Challenge:

3 LibGuides for the public    
      1.  e-reader information.  
            This is one of the most useful LibGuides, as it has specific information for using,
             downloading, etc. for each different device.
      2.  Seniors
             This LibGuide is especially useful to me, since I coordinate programs and
              activities for Seniors.  I try to make it known to Seniors.  
              Unfortunately, many do not know how to use the SAPL catalog or that
              LibGuides are contained under the rubric of "Resources".
       3.    Travel
              Since many Seniors travel frequently, this is a useful LibGuide.  It is also
              kept up-to-date (unlike some others), which is critical for travel information.
              I also have prepared a handout with travel information for Seniors, including 
              additional websites.

  2 staff LibGuides
        1.  Live Smart, Learn Well
             Since I am Igo's representative to this Committee, this LibGuide is essential
             for keeping abreast of committee activities and information.
        2.  Reference
             Since much of my time is spent doing Reference, this is a handy guide to many of the                resources and tools of the "trade".

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