Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lesson 5 Challenge
I found this challenge somewhat--no very-- annoying!

Keyword searches need only the KEY words, not intermediate, little effect, or stop words (which the computer automatically ignores anyway.)
The buffalo challenge does not even list buffalo as a key word??? Just North America??

China's Great Wall
Keywords are Great Wall Space, NOT China's Great Wall.  I would guess that somewhere
in the world there are other walls named Great Wall, so, in my view,  China should be a keyword instead of space.  Space is not defined, so does it mean "outer" space, visible
from an airplane or a hot-air balloon?

I got the message, "You correctly identified 1 of 3 words that are probably not effective"  when I didn't enter any words at all.   The wizard needs to return to Harry Potter land for more training!

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