Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lesson 6 Part 1 Challenge

         While I understand the value of connecting with other people via electronic means, I still say it is no substitute for actual, real, in person, connections.   I started a Facebook page, but rarely use it, as I don't want to take the time away from other, more important activities.  I have used it to follow a few close friends and former classmates.  One of my son's friends was actually able to reconnect with a high school sweetheart many years later, and it resulted in their marriage.  I can see the value of social media websites, like Twitter, which many news stations now use to get feedback on their programs and to have a global conversation about certain topics.

Lesson 6 Part 2 Challenge

        Social media can "put it all out there".  A high school teacher friend of mine who had a student who refused to do anything in class except disrupt it, was given an "F" grade. Whereupon he went on Facebook and lambasted the teacher.  People tend to believe what they read, even if it is not true, so social media can harm innocent people.  Some teenagers have no sense of privacy and post about drug usage, etc.   Years later, when interviewing for a job, prospective employers often use social media sites like Facebook, to learn about the applicant.  This can have a negative effect on their job seeking.

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